Smilo Radio with 433.92 MHz dynamic range, 18 trillion combinations.
Just have another programmed remote control or access to the control panel. On request, a printed programming instruction can be attached to the remote control.
Smilo radio control is not compatible with Flor radio control.
Security of use: dynamic code provides a high level of security, non-copyable code.
The SMILO remote works with radio receivers:
Technical features:
Frequency: 433,92 MHz
Code: rolling code
Number of channels: 2
Range: 150-250 m (open space)
Power supply: 12V D.C.
Works with Nice receivers: SMXIS, SMX2, OXI, OX2
Battery and instruction included
Nice SMILO 2 (SM2) 2 channel remote control
- Brand: Nice
- Product Code: Nice Smilo 2
- Availability: In Stock
- Ex Tax: £15.00